
disorganized thoughts

Time flies. It's already the 4th week of school and the pace is really getting quicker and quicker. I think I'm in trouble because I can't keep up with the economics lectures.

Sometimes I wonder if I should have taken MEP instead, but each time the thought of essays and Hindemith's neo-classical music (noise?) comes to my mind, I would feel a sense of consolation that I did not take MEP. I just hope I don't fail economics because it does not look good on record.

On a positive note, I no longer regret joining chamble ensemble. The past two rehearsals had been traumatising for me because I was sight reading all the time and also, the new environment seemed to have an aura of animosity which caused me to feel very distressed.

However, today's rehearsal was a world of difference. Not only has inconsistent practice over the past few days helped me to familiarize myself with the parts, but more importantly I now feel this sense of mutual trust among the entire ensemble and hence, I could still remain at ease despite screwing up some entries today.

Although my class has far more boys than girls, the gender ratio does not seem to bother us. In fact, I love my class a lot. Everyone seems so carefree but yet when it comes to lectures and tutorials, the discipline is there. Moreover, I do not get ostracized despite being more reserved than most of my classmates, but it does not mean that I'll never get to gel in.

I think my class also has the highest level of fitness. On tuesday we had circuit training for PE, and quite unexpectedly I was among the few who could not complete all 3 rounds of the circuit training (each round consists of 20 sit-ups, push-ups and dips, 10 inclined pull-ups) - I gave up during the last round because I was too exhausted to continue.

My muscles ache so I need a good night's rest for a speedy recovery.


rjc orientation

3 days of orientation have passed. I'm glad I finally know the names of everyone in my OG group. There are 22 of us in the group, including 2 OGLs in JC 2.

Day 1: Ice-breaker games. My short-term memory (the worst in my OG!) has once again failed me during the ice-breaker games and it was very embarrassing. Fortunately, I had already known five of their names before hand because they used to be in the same lower sec class as me. After school we gathered at the Junction 8 playground, but got chased out by two bloody-idiotic security guards so we ended up eating at the S-11 hawker centre.

Day 2: Batch dance. While people like Joel are fast at memorizing the dance choreography, I was the complete opposite. Nevertheless, I tried really, really hard and enjoyed a little success. The tune of our batch song (not related to the dance) is extremely catchy, and indeed C major is an appropriate key for the song - kudos to the JC 2 guy who composed it in only 4 hours! Later, I made a few more friends during the orientation games, making me realize once again that not everyone is as introvert as they appear to be.

Day 3: Chinatown. Our OG was assigned a food-related task (more like a challenge?) which had to be carried out in Chinatown. We were split into boy-girl pairs, but moved around as a group. Though the buddy system appears to be very childish, I got to know my new friend Cheryl a lot better. Before dinner we tried Ho Chwin's 'rap game', which turned out to be *super* entertaining because of his talent. Later that night Ho Chwin, Shawn, Ravi and I treated ourselves to 3 hours of non-stop pool. We ended up taking the last train home.

OG outing yesterday. It was initiated by Mervyn, and only eight people came. Although I enjoyed the pool games, I reached home feeling rather bad because Carmen and Cheryl (a different Cheryl) were 'left out' of the fun. Anyway, thanks for coming with us!

Now I have an arduous task of practising the violin for chamber ensemble auditions. My technique has deteriorated significantly because of the lack of practice but nevertheless, I shall persevere. When this is done I will rehearse the batch dance for tomorrow's O'nite. I made a promise to my dance partner Ying Qiao that I would put up a good show, so I will have to keep to my word!

Off to work now...